Brief History Overview of the Bulletin
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Brief History Overview of the Bulletin

Источник: АГРОБИЗНЕС ® и пищевая промышленность ®
Раздел История АГРОБИЗНЕСа® \ History \ Geschichte

In the end of February 2005 our bulletin celebrated the 10th anniversary of its founder and publisher- "Specialized Press" Publishing House" Ltd. This period is worth of looking back and evaluating the results.
(опубликовано 10.07.2006)

So, February 1995 was the starting point and Rostov-on-Don is the place of origin. It was a creative time for the team, when graduates full of initiative Rostov Universities’ graduates were looking for the right development direction of their newly born publishing company. They were investigating the awakening demand for publishing business in the market. It took a year to decide on it: they chose advertising and presenting business information to the farming and agricultural industry .
In march, 1996 the first issue of information and advertisement review titled AgroMarket came out and started to establish its position on the market rivaling another novice competitors . The first issues dealt mainly with the information on enterprises and organizations, products and services, techniques and technologies as well as with social developments involving interests of all workers engaged in agrarian branch of industry. At the same time our company started its activity toward protection of intellectual and industrial proprietorship rights. New logotypes were designed to be registered as trade marks. We undertook in the interests both of our own company and our partners- such enterprises as "YugAgroInvest", "Rostov-Nadezhda" Association, "ROSSA-International".
It’s due to the young, energetic, purpose-oriented and single-minded team that our company made its fast way to progress. We were gaining popularity which brought about the necessity to expand both in the terms of circulation and wider area of distribution. This urged the necessity for the company to be legally registered and so it was done by the Regional Registration and Inspection Administration of the North Caucasus Area. Its new title- " Agribusiness of the South of Russia"-spoke for itself. The main principle of distribution of the edition was the free direct mail delivery in the address of an enterprise. It had around 5 000 addressees then located in Krasnodar, Stavropol and Rostov regions. In 1997 our company issued the first directory containing the list of companies working in the sphere of agriculture these regions. The following 6 years we were issuing this Directory each year at running. We still can hear favorable references on "Agrobusiness in Don and Kuban areas", "Agribusiness. Don. Kuban. Stavropolye" "Agribusiness in the South of Russia", "Agribusiness in the South of Russia and Black-Soil Zone" directories, which not only were helpful in organizing efficient work but also initiated many new businesses.
In 2000 "Agribusiness of South of Russia" spread its activity to another 3 regions: Belgorod, Volgograd and Voronezh areas. Circulation reached 1000 issues. We kept participating in all kinds of communication activities like exhibitions, fairs and conferences offering information support to participants of the events.
A year later it became obvious the edition grew over the inter-regional scale and reached the all-Russian one. It also was involving progressively not only enterprises of agricultural industries but also enterprises of adjacent branches. So having been registered at a federal level our edition got another name- " Agribusiness and Food Industry". Circulation increased by 30 % at that time.
2002 marked creation of an internet-site of the company: which was owed to the demand of the time and necessity to comply with the up-to-date world standards of running business. Another trade marks registered at that period were "AgroMarket", "Agribusiness", "Agribusiness and Food Industry".
In 2003 we spread our edition already to 12 regions and were working out strategy for gaining other areas for free distribution. Moscow office was set up at that time and our edition became a member of the Russian Grain Union association.
45 000 issues of our edition were delivered to its readers in 2004. These had covered 44 administrative units of the country. The delivery destination was chosen based on the information offered by the Department of Agriculture of RF and meant to embrace the main crop production and animal husbandry areas of the country- thus 75-95 % of them were able to get familiar with our edition. Deliveries to these main regions reaches 33 000.
The Bulletin takes part in the main domestic events and is now delivered to 64 countries abroad.
In order to comply with the interests of all possible advertisers, we offer to choose among variety of quality types of printing. Those who can afford it decide on glossy paper, colored modules. Those preferring to cut on advertising budget can choose black-and-white newspaper-type modules for their ads. The combined type of printing made it possible to lighten the weight of the total mailing, which was extremely important for carrying out free delivery to extensive areas, which was our strategy actually.
As life went on bringing about new realities to our life we had to reconsider the mane tasks of our edition having focused them on efficient promotion of our partners’ goods and services and on offering up-to-date valuable special information to professionals in the farm area in order to facilitate their work. We took steps to transform our bulletin into the "business to business" type of edition. We go from the stipulation that information for professionals should be prepared by professionals and must represent high quality. So we denied usage of any journalists’ matter and any reprinted articles from easily available popular mass-media.
We incur to direct, often exclusive information received from reliable sources and the best specialists in their area like governmental authorities, leading informational agencies, scientific and research institutes, higher educational establishments, analysts and field professionals.
In April 2004 our founder and director Dmitriy Vladimirovich Vostrikov became a representative of Russian Grain Union in the Southern Federal Area and our bulletin acquired new function- to represent this influential organization informing readers about the aims and principles of it and of its major events.
In the end of the year the bulletin got ahead on the international market. In December we started to cooperate with the Berlin International Exhibition and in February of 2005 we became the only Russian mass media to participate in the International Fruit and Vegetables Trade Fair "FRUIT LOGISTICA BERLIN 2005". Our representative takes part in a largest agricultural exhibition SIMA (Paris, France) introducing our edition to the participants, but mostly letting them know about the produce and services offered by our partners. We still offer our support to the major domestic events held by CIS.
The structure of our edition complies with the world standards and adheres to the idea of taking our partner’s profit considerations as a main principle of our work. We’ve made plans for the 2005 and continuing to work at improving out edition so that to execute our main task- to make the advertisements placed with us the most efficient.
In 2005 our team was reinforced by new highly qualified and experienced specialists in the fields of agriculture, business and state administration. We’ve increased the number of services offered, like consulting and investigations in business development, which may prove valuable to out customers.
Celebrating the anniversary of our founder we’re full of optimism and enthusiasm to go ahead in the chosen direction. We’d like to express our gratitude to all our partners who remembered our jubilee and hoping to keep on our fruitful cooperation. We’d like to assure you that our primary goal is your profit and we’ll double our effort to achieve it by all our means. We here say words of gratitude to our authors and would like to wish them to be successful in their future work. It’s you who made our edition distinguishable from others due to its high-quality content.
We’d express our appreciation to state power bodies cooperating with us, particularly those of agro-industrial complex. Our special words should be said to the Center of Market Information of APK ( Agro-Industrial Complex).
We should express our gratitude to Russian Grain Union, Russian Grain Union president’s administration, and its head Arkadyi Leonidovich Zlochevskiy personally, for the business-like and amiable cooperating for the sake of making grain market civilized.
Our special words of thanks are said here to all typographies which cooperated and cooperate with us. It’s your efforts and deliberate work that added up to our renowned visual image. We still have got a lot of plans to fulfill with your help.
We’d like to thank FGPU (Federal State Post-Office Administration) bringing the bulletin to our readers regularly and steadily.
We’d like to thank all the organizers of the events (exhibitions fairs and conferences) in which we participate and whom we offer sponsor’s help to.
We’d like to thank our colleagues whom we fruitfully cooperate with and established warm and understanding relationships: namely to "Agrosnab Chernozemya" newspaper and "KhimCuryer". That kind of relations among those working on the same market should really be appreciated.
We’d like to express our gratitude to all our business partners. Let us assure you that we’ll do our best to keep on our cooperation to the mutual benefit and we’ll not spare our knowledge, efforts and strengths on the way of making your cooperation with us advantageous.


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