February 10, 2009, Kiev, Ukraine (in the framwork of international exhibition «Kiev AgriHort 2009») IEC, Brovarsky Prospekt 15, Kiev, Ukraine Organizers: Fruit-Inform & APK-InformUkraine has exported around 100,000 tons of onions in 2006/07 годов, which, unexpectedly for many, made it one of the top onion exporters in Europe. However, then the EU had a significant onion deficit. The situation has changed sharply in the current season – both Ukraine and the EU have an overproduction of onion aggravated by the global economic crises. What does it mean for Ukrainian and Europen onion market? Would it be possible for different market players to benefit from this situation and what would production and market outlook for onions be in 5 years horizon and in 2009. These questions along with the issues related to the new modern technologies of production, post harvest handling, packing and marketing of onions would be discussed at the conference. All conference participants will also be able to learn the key findings of fundamental study "Onion of Ukraine & Russia 2009. Current status and outlook for production, processing and trade" and will be able to buy it at a special reduced price. We expect at the conference up to 150 professionals from the key countries-growers and importers such as Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Holland, Azerbaijan, Moldova, etc. The conference will be of interest for: Professional onion growers; Suppliers of seeds and other inputs, machinery and equipment for production, storage, PHH and packing of onions; Wholesale traders, importers and exporters; Fresh produce managers of retail chains. In the framework of the Conference we are planning to cover the following subjects: Russian, Ukrainian & European markets of onion in the current and following seasons; Onion price forecast for the current and following season; Onion export outlook for Ukraine; Quality, quantity and packing requirements of buyers from Russia and the EU for onions, EurepGAP/GlobalGAP certification; Modern storage technologies for different onion varieties; How to resolve an issue of excessive onion humidity when storing; Sorting and packing of onions; Novelties of production technologies, new hybrids, IPM, experience of other countries in this area; Meetings with companies interested in buying large volumes of onions. Conference registration fee per person is 199 euro (US $269). Subscribers of Fruit-Inform Weekly get a special 10% discount. We are also ready to offer attracting sponsorship packages and advertising opportunities and would like to invite Mass Media to support this event. To attend, please fill out this application form. Any questions regarding the conference would be answered by Andriy Yarmak by phone +38-067-6342622 or via e-mail ayarmak@ukr.net Details:http://agrobiznes.ru/files/393515/the_conference.doc На русском: http://agrobiznes.ru/agro/393137