Potatoes of Ukraine 2010 in Lviv of February 25-26 mark your calendars!
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Potatoes of Ukraine 2010 in Lviv of February 25-26, mark your calendars!

Источник: АГРОБИЗНЕС ® и пищевая промышленность ®

Ukraine’s growing potato industry now has a traditional annual event! In the heart of potato production of Ukraine and right on the verge of new potato season the industry is gathering in Lviv to summarize the season, discuss plans and outlook for the new season, exchange knowledge, experiences and ideas and to basically have a good time among colleagues!
(опубликовано 21.01.2010)

20mn tons of potatoes are produced in Ukraine every year. Meeting the largest potato growers, seed suppliers and potato traders of Ukraine is easy –join us at the "Potato Ukraine 2010" International Conference in Lviv on February 25, 2010!

In 2009 the first conference organized during just one month gathered 120 industry professionals from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Poland. In 2010 organizers are expecting up to 250 participants from 10 world countries. This year organizers decided to move the conference from March to February to allow market participants prepare better for the new season.

Among the participants of the second edition of "Potato Ukraine" Conference you will find companies, which harvest more than 1000 ha of potatoes every year. One of such farms will be visited on the second day of the event.

The conference will be held on the largest fresh produce wholesale market of Ukraine and one of the top 10 wholesale market in Europe, wholesale market "Shuvar" in Lviv. The market is located in the key potato production zone and every year at least 80,000 tons of potatoes are sold through this market. It is also equipped with potato handling, sorting, washing and packing lines and has modern Conference & Exhibitions Center. Simultaneous translation into and from English will be provided during the event.

"Fruit-Inform", an organizer of the Conference, has is updating a comprehensive fundamental study on the potato markets of Russia and Ukraine, which includes all fundamental information any market participant would need. Key findings of this study will be included in the presentations of our experts and the whole study will be available to participants at the reduced cost.

Besides clear understanding of the potato market situation and outlook, conference participants will also have many opportunities for informal meetings and exchange of ideas, opinions and information.

The city of Lviv is easily accessible from any European or trans-Atlantic destination via Vienna, Munich, Warsaw or Moscow, which have flights to and from Lviv every week. Citizens of the EU, USA, Japan, Canada and Switzerland do not need visas to enter Ukraine. Lviv is also one of the key tourist destinations in Ukraine. Please see more information about tourist attractions of Lviv here.

Please see detailed information about the conference in the following through the following links: description, program, sponsorship opportunities, participation conditions, registration form, commercial presentation.

We welcome any suggestions or questions via e-mail ayarmak@lol.org.ua or phone: +380 562 320795, +380 67 6343980 (Aleksandr Khorev) and would be glad to see you among participants of our Conference!

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