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Рубрикатор :: Легкая промышленность :: Товары для детей :: State and development trends of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old)
Название отчёта: State and development trends of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) (артикул: 00830 13848)
Дата выхода: 31 Марта 2008
География: Россия
Период: 2003-2007 гг.
Количество страниц: 68
Язык отчёта: Русский
Стоимость: 30 000 руб.
Способ предоставления: электронный
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Полное описание отчёта

Main research objectives are:

1. State estimation and development prospects of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) from standpoint of investment appeal.

2. Expediency definition and possibilities of investors penetrate to the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old).

The research period is 2003-2007. The general trends and development forecasts of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) are considered over near-term outlook.


Information sources:

1. Reports of the State Duma Committee on women, families and children affairs; statistical data and forecasting information of Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Public Health and Social Development, Federal State Statistic Service, and Russian Federal Customs Service.

2. Companies press releases, branch and expert estimations of mass-media.

3. Own informational resource and extensive enterprises database of Information Agency «CredInform – North-West ».


General conclusions:

The Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) is attractive due to kids as consumers are considered as serious potential auditory. According to official statistics there have been born 1,602,387 children in Russia in 2007 that it is more 122.75 thousand than in 2006.

Also experts note that in last years the baby boom trend both throughout Russia as a whole, and on all segments in particular was outlined. The given factor is promoted by change of state policy in a demographic matter and active measures accepted at a federal level.

    Thereupon the Russian toy submarket is reoriented to goods for newborns. As specialists consider this market sector develops more dynamic because parents pay much attention to child evolution and aspire to begin it as soon as possible. Few companies have already reacted to it directed a part of the marketing budget on advancing toys designed for children under 4 years old.

ZAO “Zavod “Ogonek” (Moscow), OAO “Vesna” (Kirov), OOO “Stellar” (Rostov-na-Donu), OAO “Raduga” (Kirov), OOO “Elf Market” (Moscow), OAO “Po pererabotke plastmass “Aelita” (Saint-Petersburg) occupy main positions on manufacture of toys for babies and kids (segment from 0 years old to senior).

    In the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) some common factors influence actively on pricing system such as: acts of the government and other external forces, economic climate and trade market condition, its regional features, branching of sales network, presence of manufacture, market competition, interests of users, and etc. Demand for toy products in Russia submits to over-all laws of functioning of market economy being in inverse negative relationship from the price factor.

Besides discounts system, picked up correctly, is played essential role while implement of toys products for babies and kids (under 3 years old) on the Russian submarket. It is provided both for wholesale buyers, and for individual users.

Currently, the Russian producers are not capable to provide growing toys requirements therefore foreign manufacturers are more actively on the Russian submarket. Their products are in demand as in a low-cost segment (China), as on the average and high price segments. As a result the Russian toys submarket is defined by import dependence.

According to specialist’s opinion, toy products for babies and kids (under 3 years old) in composition of children goods group are sold through specialized shops, supermarkets, hypermarkets, self-service supermarket, department stores, manufactured goods stores, markets and etc. The format of the specialized shop represents in its assortment the following children goods groups: toys, shoes, clothes, linen, stationery, and etc.

The brief information on the leading companies of the Russian children toys submarket is presented in the report as well.

For more information on participants of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) see Companies Directories created by «CredInform – North-West».

More detailed information on any firm can be received in on-line at Agency website where in accessible form reference company data is presented not only, but also in comparative form its financial figures, foreign economic activity data and etc.

Подробное оглавление/содержание отчёта


    1. General characteristic of the Russian toys submarket in 2007

    2. Specifics of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old)

    2.1. Potential and attraction of baby auditory

    2.2. Toys manufacturers for babies and kids (under 3 years old)

    2.3. Specifics of pricing, demand and discounts system

    2.4. Trading networks and operators

    2.5. Consumer motivations and behavior while purchasing products

    2.6. Regional aspect

    2.7. Estimations and opinions of toys submarket participants

    3. Structure of foreign trade turnover of Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old)

    3.1. Foreign trade turnover of toys sets in Russia in 2007

    3.2. Foreign trade turnover of mini-models in Russia in 2007

    3.3. Foreign trade turnover of dolls in Russia in 2007

    4. Trends of branch development of the Russian toys submarket

    5. The leaders of the Russian toys submarket for babies and kids (under 3 years old) and their characteristic

    5.1. Babies toys manufacturers

    5.2. Retail trade leaders of children goods

    5.3. Regional retail trade leaders of plays and toys

    5.4. Wholesale trade leaders of plays and toys

    5.5. Active participants of foreign trade turnover of products for babies and kids (under 3 years old)

Перечень приложений


1.1. Leading toys manufacturers in Russia detailed on annual turnover (ТОР20)

2.1. Number of babies born in 2006-2007 detailed on Federal districts

2.2. Number of babies detailed on population aspects

2.3. Babies and kids (under 3 years old) detailed on sexual characters and ages

2.4. Leading toys manufacturers for babies and kids (from 0 till 3 years old)

2.5. Financial figures of other toys producers for babies and kids (under 3 years old) of the Russian toys submarket

2.6. Newborns and babies toys price-list effected from 01.01.2008 of company "X" in polypropylene packages

2.7. Wholesalers toys discounts system of company "X"

2.8. Wholesalers toys discounts system of company "X" for newborns

2.9. Products discounts system of a factory "X" for wholesale buyers

2.10. Regional retail trade leaders of plays and toys in Russia detailed on an annual turnover (TOP - 20)

2.11. Wholesale trade leaders of plays and toys in Russia detailed on an annual turnover (TOP - 20)

2.12. Average monthly nominal wage of organizations workers detailed on the Russian regions in 2003-2007

2.13. The most important factors while choosing toys for babies (under 3 years old)

3.1. Volumes and trend of toys foreign trade turnover in 2005-2007

3.2. Characteristic of TN codes of foreign economic activity of commodity group 95 (toys)

3.3. Volumes of import and export toys deliveries in 2007 detailed on TN codes of foreign economic activity

3.4. Deliveries volumes of toys sets to Russia in 2007 detailed on senders countries

3.5. Import volume of toys sets to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees (TOP – 20, in value terms)

3.6. Deliveries volumes of toys sets from Russia in 2007 detailed on receivers countries

3.7. Export volume of toys sets from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors (TOP – 15, in value terms)

3.8. Deliveries volumes of mini-models to Russia in 2007 detailed on senders countries

3.9. Import volume of mini-models to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees (TOP – 20, in value terms)

3.10. Deliveries volumes of mini-models from Russia in 2007 detailed on receivers countries

3.11. Export volume of mini-models from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors (TOP – 10, in value terms)

3.12. Deliveries volumes of dolls to Russia in 2007 detailed on senders countries

3.13. Import volume of dolls to Russia in 2007 detailed on consignees (TOP – 20, in value terms)

3.14. Deliveries volumes of dolls from Russia in 2007 detailed on receivers countries

3.15. Export volume of dolls from Russia in 2007 detailed on consignors (TOP – 10, in value terms)


1.1. Russian children goods market turnover in 2003-2007

1.2. Russian children toys submarket turnover in 2003-2007

1.3. Russian toys market structure

1.4. Shares of toys manufactures countries in average and low prices segments of the Russian submarket

2.1 Trend of charged wages of one worker in Russia in 2003-2007

2.2. Expenditure for kids in the age under 4 years old in 2003-2007

3.1. Toys import and export ratio in Russia in 2005-2007

3.2. Geography of suppliers countries of toys sets to Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.3. Geography of suppliers countries of toys sets to Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.4. Geography of receivers countries of toys sets from Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.5. Geography of receivers countries of toys sets from Russia in value terms in 2007 (TOP 10)

3.6. Geography of suppliers countries of mini-models to Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.7. Geography of suppliers countries of mini-models to Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.8. Geography of receivers countries of mini-models from Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.9. Geography of receivers countries of mini-models from Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.10. Geography of suppliers countries of dolls to Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.11. Geography of suppliers countries of dolls to Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)

3.12. Geography of receivers countries of dolls from Russia in 2007 in kind (TOP 10)

3.13. Geography of receivers countries of dolls from Russia in 2007 in value terms (TOP 10)


1. Example of the brief supplemental information on a company

2. Analysis of financial figures of a firm "X"

3. Analysis of foreign trade activities of a firm "X"

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