Меружан Задаян (ООО БИО УНИВЕРСАЛ)
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Меружан Задаян (ООО "БИО УНИВЕРСАЛ")

Зарегистрирован: 23.11.2008 17:24
Регистрационное имя: mhz
Пол:: Мужской
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Регион: Армения
Группа: Представитель производителя сельхозпродукции  
Место работы: ООО "БИО УНИВЕРСАЛ"
Должность: Менаджер
Профессия: Ветеринар
Специализация: Животноводство (техсредства)  
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О пользователе

Меружан Задаян

Dr. Meruzhan H. Zadayan
Livestock-Breeding and Veterinary Scientific Center State CJSC, Yerevan, RA.
Section of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics
Research FellowAppointed: 2000
Manager-Assistant of DirectorAppointed: 2007
Mailing Address
Office- #44, 2/1, Avanesov Str. RA
Home- 56 Apartment, 19 Building, 16 Quarters
Yerevan, 0057
Armenia Contact Information
Phone: +374 (10) 34 69 43
Fax: +374 (10) 47 40 10
Mobile: +374 (93) 88 68 78

Doctor of Veterinary, AAA, Organization of Anti-Epidemiological Measures and Determination of Their Efficiency, 2001.

Expertise and Research Interests
Under agricultural as well as market development conditions it is necessary to take into consideration the planning process of measures to be taken. Besides, this planning is a part of the whole planning system of economic and social development of each country.
In a range of rural and collective economies the planning of veterinary measures is implemented by a general system, which does not provide high efficiency.

Under the market economy conditions cattle owners do not take scheduled veterinary measures, which sometimes is because of expenditures. In order to prevent this wrong line and to promote farming, veterinary specialists must, first of all, analyze economically the importance of either one or another veterinary measure for cattle owners, must implement analytical methods, substantiate the damage from the diseases, efficiency of works carried out and reveal their social and civil magnitude.
In the Syounick Marz of the Republic of Armenia, for the first time research works are carried out for analyzing an economic efficiency of veterinary and anti epizootic measures in particular.

In order to prevent illnesses and to define an economic efficiency of measures against them, an economic damage because of illnesses of animals, their compelled slaughter, plague, loss of efficiency, sterility and their factors were counted beforehand. The calculations are done in separate economies, in separate areas and on a regional scale.

At further stages of performance of the requirements of the research work, the economic damages prevented by veterinary measures, preventive maintenance of illnesses and by treatment of ill animals are determined.

In order to determine the economic efficiency of anti-epizootic measures, all necessary planned expenses are calculated.
Generalizing the above mentioned approaches in the promotion of agriculture, planning anti-epidemiological measures, let us state that for efficiency in improvement of cattle-breeding, poultry keeping and fish-breeding, prevention of epidemics and the systemized struggle against them it is necessary to take into account the qualification degree of specialists, the insecurity character of the given area, the fact of natural pesthole, biological peculiarities of pathogens.
Other Expertise
- With expertise on designing epidemiological studies, disease monitoring and surveillance, data management and analysis (analytical epidemiological and statistical), qualitative and quantitative import/export risk analysis and serological diagnostic tests (marker techniques and PCR).

- With working knowledge on computing using softwares such as MS Office, Epi-Info, Winepiscope, Survey Toolbox, Medcalc and other related epidemiological tools.

* With special interest on photography and videotape recording.
Future Research
Regional animal disease monitoring and surveillance
Animal health information systems
Industrial Relevance
Improvement of livestock and poultry industry in Armenia

Honors and Awards
2006, Certificate, FAO, "National Avian influenza workshop", November 6-8, Yerevan, Armenia
2006, Certificate, FAO, "Brucellosis and FMD National Control Programs Seminar", December 5-6, Tsaghkadzor, Armenia
2004, Certificate, FAO/IAEA International Training Course, Held at Primary Industries Research Victoria, Werribee Centre, 15-26 March 2004. Werribee, Melbourne, Australia, "Screening and Confirmatory Methodologies for Veterinary Drug Residues"
2003, Certificate, FAO/IAEA Workshop, Held at Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria, "Strengthening Capacities for Implementing Codex Standards, Guidelines and Recommended International Codes of Practice for Control of the use of Veterinary Drugs"
2001, Certificate, DSE, International Training Course in the Federal Republic of Germany, January 14 - June 23 2002, "Globalization of Trade and International Quality Standards: New Technical Regulation and Voluntary Standards in Infections Animal Disease Control"
2001, Certificate, DSE, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, The 4th International Symposium on Turkey Diseases
1999, Certificate, USAD Marketing Assistance Project, Syounick Marz (Region), RA, "Marketing and Farm Management"
1999, Certificate, USAD Marketing Assistance Project, International Scientific Conference, Yerevan, RA, "Agricultural and Environmental Problems in Transcaucasus"
1998, Certificate, USAD, Yerevan, RA,, Armenian Agricultural Academy, English as foreign language, has completed the EFL training program

M. H. Zadayan,, T. Gasparyan., "Prospectuses on maintenance epizootic well-being of republic and to improvement of an overall performance of veterinary service", Agropress, 115-116, 7 Sep 2005
M. H. Zadayan, Experience on the organization of veterinary service in region Syounick of Armenia, The international scientific conference devoted to 45-anniversary in Vladimir of Russia, 455-459, 10 Aug 2003
S. E. Nersisyan, M. H. Zadayan and others.-, Actual Problems Epizootology, Diagnostics and Active Preventive Maintenance FMD in Armenia, 648-650, 2 Sep 2002
M. H. Zadayan, Epizootic Date and Economic Efficiency of Methods against Pasteurellosis of Large Horned Cattle in the Syounick Marz, . -"Agricultural and Environmental Problems in Transcaucasus" International Scientific Conference, Yerevan, RA, 175-179, 19 Aug 2001
M. H. Zadayan, Economic Efficiency of Epidemiological Measures Against Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Pasteurellosis, Agropress, Yerevan, Armenia, 4, 345-348, 4 Aug 2001
M. H. Zadayan, Principles of Planning of Anti-Epidemiological Measures in Modern Conditions, Agropress, Yerevan, Armenia, 2, 125-126, 7 Sep 2000
S. L. Grigoryan, M. H. Zadayan, Economic Efficiency of Measure Against Brucellosis, Agropress, Yerevan, Armenia, 2, 234-235, 7 Aug 1999
M. H. Zadayan, Determination of Factors of Economical Damage of More Widespread, Agropress, Yerevan, Armenia, 2, 567-568, 10 Apr 1999
M.H. Zadayan, The Definition of Economic Efficiency of Veterinary Measures, Agropress, Yerevan, Armenia, 2, 3 May 1998

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